A Series of Unfortunate Events- Lemony Snickett.
A series of Unfortunate Events is about three kids who lose their parents when they were in vacation because their house burns. They were one of the most rich families in the world and they lived in a house that was as luxurios as a palace. The three children were really special. Violet was really intelligent and had extremely good ideas. Claus had a photo memory and he was a good reader if he read something once he rememberd everything that was written about it. Sunny was the smallest kid of the three she was only three years old and her ability was to bite everything she went pass her. They get assigned to Count Olaf who wants to steal the Boudler's fortune. Fortunately Violet understands what Count Olaf wants and she tells it to their manager but he doesn't believe her, so Count Olaf continues to perseguitate the three kids. 154